Thursday, January 1, 2009 voting isn't over yet!

The petition on to fix the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act made it to #1 in it's category in the first round! That's awesome! Second round voting starts Monday, January 5th, they're zeroing out the voting totals when round 2 starts. The top 3 ideas in each category will now be going up against the top 3 of all the other categories, let's get the CPSIA petition into the overall top 10 so it will be presented to President-Elect Obama on Inauguration Day. Vote it up using the widget on the right of your screen! We can do it, save safe domestically made children's products!

1 comment:

CastoCreations said...

I really hate and feel sick to my stomach even going there to vote for this issue. But I will swallow my bile and do it because this is a vitally important issue.

Not that I think this far lefty site will actually accomplish anything, but I can always hope. I hate even more that they now have my e-mail. *gag*

I feel dirty.